Head of school

Lorraine Hill believes that no education is neutral, and that all information leads to a larger story of human life and its purpose. Classical Christian education provides a time-tested means to cultivate virtue in our students by shaping their hearts and minds to love what is true, good and beautiful. It is also extremely effective at creating “thinkers” that see subjects not as independent data sets but rather components of a larger, integrated whole that works together to form a tapestry of God’s knowledge and truth. Having had extensive experience in the business, academic, and nonprofit environments, Lorraine is a firm believer that the best education for both life and eternal success is a classical Christian education. This reveals itself not just in higher test scores, college success, and career achievements but also in the life-long character and passions of our students.
Lorraine received a Bachelor’s in Accounting and a Master’s in Business Administration from Texas A&M University. She has worked as an auditor and a management consultant for KPMG and Arthur Anderson. She has taught women’s Bible studies at Houston’s Second Baptist Church and numerous other churches and conferences, speaking to groups as large as 800 women. She has also published three Christian books.
Lorraine is currently completing a Master’s in Theological Studies from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Lorraine has been involved in education in various capacities and has served as an Executive Director of School Operations & Academics, College Advisor, Academic Programmer, Academic Competition Coordinator, Teacher, Teaching Assistant, Professional Education Curriculum Developer and Teacher, and Tutor.
Lorraine has been married to her husband Shawn for over twenty years. They have three children, identical twin boys named Joshua and Noah and a sweet girl named Hannah. Joshua, Noah and Hannah are graduates of The Covenant Preparatory School, Class of 2019, 2019 and 2022, respectively. In her free time, Lorraine enjoys reading, spending time with her family, getting together with her girlfriends, and traveling.